, pub-0000000000000000, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Will there be an iPhone 17?

Will there be an iPhone 17?

Will there be an iPhone 17?

The official version of iOS 17 has been released. Do you guys have any updates? Laohu updated it as soon as possible. Will there be an iPhone 17?

The file size of the official version is 3.32GB, which is the capacity of a normal large version update. The update started at around 9 am and the whole process took about 70 minutes. Will there be an iPhone 17?

iOS 17 supports 20 models. iPhone Xs and above models all support updates. The iPhone 8 series and iPhone X released in 2017 are not included in this list.

As usual, system updates are often targeted at new models, and old models are sometimes negatively optimized, so many Apple users dare not update rashly. Will there be an iPhone 17?

01 Some new features experience

There are a lot of updates in IOS 17, including the “NameDrop” function, “standby mode”, etc., and some details have also changed.

What’s more impressive is the “standby mode”. According to Apple’s official statement, as long as the iPhone is placed horizontally while charging, you can view information horizontally.

However, in actual operation, I feel that this function is not particularly sensitive. If the phone is placed flat on the table for charging, this function is difficult to turn on.

This function will not appear when the phone is held horizontally. This function will be easier to trigger only when the phone is held horizontally against something and is stable.

I feel that wireless charging will trigger this function more easily than wired charging. I don’t know if this is the case for other friends.

If you accidentally move the phone, the screen can easily change to this screen. I don’t know if it’s a BUG.

“NameDrop”, officials say that you can exchange business cards by bringing the tops of your iPhone and other people’s iPhones close to each other.

This function requires turning on “AirPlay and Relay”. In addition to exchanging business cards to obtain the other party’s contact information, you can also share the photo by approaching the other party’s iPhone while browsing photos.

In the “Photos” section, the deletion page has been changed. If the user wants to completely delete the photo, he or she needs to click on the ellipsis in the lower right corner and then select Delete.

Personally, I feel that this update is not very good. Compared with the previous interface, it is not intuitive enough and it is easy to accidentally touch it. Let’s see if subsequent updates will improve it.

A new “Fast” option has been added to the touch interface. After selecting this option, the animation and response speed of the touch will be improved.

iOS 17 adds long screenshots. In fact, this feature was available in iOS 16, but the saving format was PDF, and now it is changed to JPG format.

However, this function is currently only available for iOS built-in apps, and third-party apps cannot use this function.

During the use process, Laohu also discovered a bug. Press and hold the App Store icon, enter the update, and then press Finish. The main interface and the information bar above will overlap significantly.

The signal is basically unchanged. In some places, there was no signal before the update, and there is still no signal after the update.

02 There are many battery life problems

When it comes to iOS 17, what users are most concerned about is battery life. From the current stage, the battery life of iOS 17 is much worse than that of iOS 16.

Watching videos also consumes about 10%-15% more power than before the update. If you watch a long video, you will obviously feel that the battery keeps dropping.

There are still many iPhones with increased power consumption. Recently, an external blogger put several iPhones of different models to test the battery life of iOS 17.

There are 5 iPhones tested, namely iPhoneSE2/XR/11/12/13, all of which are ordinary versions of the same series.

The blogger put these five iPhones through a high-intensity test using Geekbenk4’s “Battery Benchmark Test”, running them until the battery was exhausted and shutting down, and recording the time.

Judging from the results, the battery life of the five models has declined to varying degrees. Compared with the Laohu machine, their battery life has declined more seriously.

The battery life of the regular version of the iPhone was not that good to begin with. After the system update, it was even worse, and it has become more consistent with the mini series.

The tester listed the battery life of these mobile phones in different iOS versions, and iOS 17 was the lowest.

The most exaggerated one is the iPhone XR, which has dropped directly from the 3376 mAh of the previous version to the current 2528 mAh.

The tester also drew an overall chart showing the battery life fluctuations of the above devices from iOS 15 to iOS 17.

As can be seen from the table, iOS 16.0.3 is more friendly to the battery life of older iPhones. iPhones equipped with A12 or above chips have greatly improved battery life after upgrading to the first version of iOS 16.

It is also the first version of a major version. Why is it that the battery life of iOS 16 has been greatly improved, but iOS 17 has generally declined? How strange.

After iOS 16.3, the battery life of almost all old iPhones declined steadily, and then fell off a cliff in iOS 17.


IT Home: Apple iOS 17 official version released

iOS Chinese website: actual measurement of power consumption of iOS17 official version

This article comes from the WeChat public account “Technology Fox” (ID: kejihutv) , author: Laohu, and 36 Krypton is published with authorization.

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