, pub-0000000000000000, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Which iPhone is best to buy in 2024?

Which iPhone is best to buy in 2024?

Which iPhone is best to buy in 2024?

Although the current Android phones are very powerful, Apple phones are still the benchmark in the industry. Using Apple phones is a good experience. Not only does it not freeze, but it is also more durable. Many friends still favor Apple phones, but we have to buy Apple phones. Don’t choose a mobile phone randomly. Currently, these three models are worth considering. You can try them with your eyes closed. Interested friends can learn more. Which iPhone is best to buy in 2024?

1. iPhone 13

The price of the iPhone 13 has dropped to a freezing point. A mobile phone that originally cost 6,000 yuan can now be bought for 4,000 yuan. The price is very affordable. If your budget is not particularly high and you want to buy a useful Apple phone, consider buying the iPhone 13. It is still on sale.

The feel and texture of the body are also quite good. It is light and does not strain your hand. It also looks relatively straight. It is equipped with an Apple A15 processor, which can provide strong power. , and empower battery life and images.

You can easily use this phone for more than five years after buying it. The operating system is still very smooth, and you can easily handle even playing large-scale games. It has a notch screen with a true color display, and uses a super ceramic panel that is also drop-resistant. The battery is fully charged. There is no problem if it lasts for a whole day.

It has dual Sony cameras on the rear. The photos are still very clear. It also supports displacement optical image stabilization . The video shooting is very stable. It can basically meet all daily use needs. The key is that the price is very cheap. , it also has a good reputation in the market, so you can buy it with confidence.

2. iPhone 15 Promax

iPhone 15 Promax is the latest super new product of Apple mobile phone. It has stronger performance, larger battery and screen. It is a very good choice for game and video enthusiasts. It is equipped with the world’s first TSMC 3nm process Apple A17 pro processing The processor has super performance and very low power consumption.

It can have strong power support and can easily run large software. However, the price is a bit expensive, so it is more suitable for friends with sufficient budget.

Other configurations are also very powerful. It has a 6.7-inch retina screen with excellent display effect. The screen size is also large enough, which makes playing games more enjoyable. It also supports the Smart Island function and has rich interactivity. The battery capacity is still good. It has been greatly improved.

With the blessing of a low-power processor, video playback can last for 29 hours. The rear imaging is also excellent. It has three high-pixel cameras. The main camera supports 48 million high -definition pixels. The photos are more high-definition and brighter. It supports portrait photos and longer optical zoom, and the shooting experience is very good.

This phone also uses titanium body material, which not only improves the resistance to falling, but also reduces weight. It is nearly 20g lighter than the previous generation pro max version. It also changes the paddle button to a button type, making it more convenient to operate. It is fast. The charging interface adopts USB3.0, the transmission speed is faster, and charging is more convenient. Friends with enough budget can buy this model directly.

3. iPhone 14 Pro

The iPhone 14 Pro is not only beautiful but also durable. It adopts the smart island design for the first time, making the operation more interactive and providing a good experience. It also upgraded the rear camera. Now that the new model is released, this model has also received a significant price reduction. , compared to the initial price, it is much cheaper, and it will be even more favorable if you buy it on other platforms.

The processor of this phone is Apple A16, which has strong performance. Daily use is silky and smooth, and you can play large games without any pressure. It can also Enhanced battery life, it can be used for a whole day on a full charge

There is a professional primary color screen with a screen size of 6.1 inches. The display effect and feel are excellent. It has a rear 48-megapixel main camera, a 12-megapixel ultra-wide-angle lens and a 12-megapixel telephoto lens . The camera performance is very powerful, and it also has a lot of features.

It has a rich camera experience, professional video shooting, very stable handheld shooting, supports car accident detection functions, etc. The comprehensive experience is very comprehensive, and it is also an Apple mobile phone that is very worth buying.

Final summary

When choosing an Apple mobile phone, you must first consider your own budget and needs, because most Apple mobile phones are not cheap. If the price budget is not particularly high, then you can consider an old flagship model, which can still be used smoothly for four or five years after buying it, and the budget is sufficient. If so, you can go right in one step and choose the latest flagship. The above three models can be given priority.

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